Production is in full swing, each day I make a list and don't go to bed until it is complete. It's been quite a month so far, I'm doing my best to get everything pending done by the end of the month. I'm not sure if I can do it just yet but, I'm doing my best! The snag will come when I need to load and unload the kilns - the baby bump is growing and bending over deep into the kiln holding a heavy kiln shelf might be over for me. I think I pulled my back loading while tired last week. Ah, the loveliness of many body changes and lots of work to do! So, I may get held up waiting for my Mr. to assist me. I put him
thru training awhile back just in case and I'm so glad now that I did. The picture above is my main work table, everything moves across this table a few times while being made. Shown is what it looks like when I am etching - see the borders are already incised in the rims? Next I did the designs. Right now the table is clear but will soon be filled with tea cups, one scoop bowls and large round platters. The clay is prepped, now I just need to get to work! Happy Monday!
Yeah, be careful there to tend to that baby bump. No heavy lifting!
That was one of my least favorite parts of being pregnant - needing help with stuff! Be careful :)
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