Sunday, September 30, 2007
thank you!

Friday, September 28, 2007
and for webby news - this is my very first animated ad - for the Modish site! Now that I know how to make them, which is easy, I can feel some stories brewing!(note! blogger is making it a bit blurry)
oh la la! Have a super duper weekend!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Studio Thursday

I spent the morning taking pics, formatting and uploading, a bit of web site spiffing up with quite a bit more planned. So it isn't really a "studio" day but I will be sure to do a little carving and throwing this afternoon.
I am gearing up for a show on October 7th. It is another outdoor event, The Chestnut Hill Fall For The Arts Festival. Chestnut Hill is a section in Philadelphia with tons of great boutiques and restaurants. It is on the edge of the city limits and has a more of a town vibe than city. I will be brining along some new work, this new black bird design, as well as a few others that might not make it onto my site 'til after the show.
In the studio I am working on 3 new items, one being ornaments for the holidays and 2 others that I will reveal in a week or so! I am also trying out some new colors, the usual studio testing : ) And in other studio news I am playing with textiles. I have planned to expand into other mediums since I am a multi-media artist at heart, once I have something solid to share I will post pics - right now it is messy, seriously messy!
Happy Thursday!
Monday, September 24, 2007
when the year begins
I had a funny conversation with my mom the other day, she can be quite the funny lady! She was talking about time and where she'll be in no time and threw in there that the year begins now! All of this was in reference to my parents moving from NV to the east coast next summer. But it made me think about when my year begins. So, my birthday was on friday, a new year for me, for sure. All the years in school sets it a few weeks earlier, a new school year. The real new year in January isn't so refreshing but it is a good time to reflect. My Little Flower year might start in November when I went full-time with it. May sometimes feels new with summer about to begin. This past year has been filled with many re-starts and reflection that I can't quite get 2007 started and its almost October. And crazy enough, I am looking forward to the real new year to make a fresh start. I hear that certain birthdays can wear harder on you and I haven't had one until I guess this one. 35 is kicking my butt! I think I need a few moments to reflect, look forward and then find my way back to the moment. Ahh! the life of an artist, I'm definitely feeling it today. I was warned that it can be an emotional roller coaster, but what a thrilling life it is to lead!
(the picture is of 3 wood ducks that my dad carved for me, on the bottom it sais "To Linda, Love Dad" I love that!)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Can you guess how old I am?!
From Friday September 21st - Sunday September 30th, 2007
all US orders of $35.00 or more will receive free shipping!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Studio Thursday!

So I have about a ga-zillion pots to glaze in the studio, the kiln is 1/2 full and I need to glaze enough tonite so I can fire tomorrow. And tomorrow is my birthday and the day that I'll be insanely old for how young I actually feel. I feel about half my age. So tomorrow is me getting up super duper early to fire and clean the studio, house and yard. Then make tons of food and do lots of pretty flower arranging and other nicey nice things because we're having a party on saturday!!!! We never have parties, we're busy, our house is small, someone else is already having one, you know, life gets in the way. So saturday is the day!! And it looks like we'll have good weather so I'm very, very happy. Only, now I'm working on my birthday, at least its the nice kind of work and our friends and family will be able to see it!
I might not be back to report until next week so, have a super happy weekend!
ps - the picture is my newest design that I love, and that's my cup of coffee because its going to be late one tonite!
pps! Something super nice happened to me today, I was at our local produce market which is kindof hectic and I dropped a $20, so when I went to pay at the flower counter I was short - luckily I had more money in the car but here's what's nice! I told the cashier what happened and a nice woman overheard, she not only found my 20 on the ground, she was walking around looking for the owner! How super awesome is that! Thank you stranger!!! May lots of good things come your way.
Monday, September 17, 2007
sale items!

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Thank You's!!!

Third! yes 3 things! I sent off a small bit of Little Flower goodness to Relish At Home in Berkeley. I just love this shop and Kelly (the owner) will be relaunching their site just in time for the holidays, hopefully I'll be sending a bit more her way in the coming weeks. If you are in the Bay area and would like to see my wares in person - please tell them I sent you!!!
As promised I will be having a sale, I am running out of time today and need to format everything but will announce it here once it is up- hopefully by tomorrow eve. I have bunches of bowls that will be 1/2 price and I'm discounting a few other items too. Happy Sunday to ya!
Friday, September 14, 2007
glenside tomorrow!!

In preparation for this weekend which really started early this morning, I have a busy bizy weekend planned. I got up very early and did all my throwing, my to-do list is insane and I'm not quite sure how to get thru the next 36 hours. Somehow I have to squeeze in the following!
- ship orders(thankfully they are ready to go!)
- trim about 30 bowls and 10 vases
- cast ornament molds
- gym (its my day and I can't miss)
- pack for the show tomorrow
- wrap presents (see below)
- attend a birthday party
- load truck for saturday's show
- Glenside Street Fair Saturday from 10-5 : ) please come if you're in the area
- attend a bridal shower
- and gosh, there's dog walking/playing
- a million other this and that's for each event
Hopefully I'll be back on monday with a full accounting of what was done and I have a bin of sale items so if they don't sell at the show, I'll be posting them for super sale on my site : ) Happy Friday!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Studio Thrusday

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
refreshed and funny
But first I thought I'd share this picture of Marley's favorite evening activity - bug hunting! Every evening she spends about 3 hours outside hunting bugs. The bug in the picture is a locust, she spent about an hour barking and jumping around this bug! Her favorites are the cicada's which must be pretty tasty - she can't get enough of them! I find all this bug activity funny and refreshing, I have to keep reminding myself that this is her first summer and everything is still new to her. She still has her puppy romp and energy and is very healthy. A truly happy girl, especially when she has a bug to play with!