Thursday, September 20, 2007

Studio Thursday!

I made it! I almost missed my new day so here's a quick update and peek into my crazy world.

So I have about a ga-zillion pots to glaze in the studio, the kiln is 1/2 full and I need to glaze enough tonite so I can fire tomorrow. And tomorrow is my birthday and the day that I'll be insanely old for how young I actually feel. I feel about half my age. So tomorrow is me getting up super duper early to fire and clean the studio, house and yard. Then make tons of food and do lots of pretty flower arranging and other nicey nice things because we're having a party on saturday!!!! We never have parties, we're busy, our house is small, someone else is already having one, you know, life gets in the way. So saturday is the day!! And it looks like we'll have good weather so I'm very, very happy. Only, now I'm working on my birthday, at least its the nice kind of work and our friends and family will be able to see it!

I might not be back to report until next week so, have a super happy weekend!

ps - the picture is my newest design that I love, and that's my cup of coffee because its going to be late one tonite!

pps! Something super nice happened to me today, I was at our local produce market which is kindof hectic and I dropped a $20, so when I went to pay at the flower counter I was short - luckily I had more money in the car but here's what's nice! I told the cashier what happened and a nice woman overheard, she not only found my 20 on the ground, she was walking around looking for the owner! How super awesome is that! Thank you stranger!!! May lots of good things come your way.


lisa {milkshake} said...

Very pretty, Linda! Hope you got some sleep last night.

[nancy + andy] said...

Happy Birthday Linda!

Linda Johnson Studio said...

Thanks so much!!