Hello dear
internetian's! I need to get this little blog caught up with the little flower going-
on's so here I sit, coffee in hand on a lazy
sunday morning ready to get chatty! First a huge thank you to Erin at
Design For Mankind for
featuring my bird on a wire platter. That made my
In the studio I am hard at work on so many things. I have a pile of orders that are nearly all wedding gifts! I've recently changed my focus to wedding registries, working with couples that want something different, love handmade, and love my work is the best motivation for making my wares. I have most of my dinnerware sample sets photographed and they are slowly making their way onto my site. I've been so busy that some of the sets were actually made for orders. I have the sweetest customers that trust me to make items before seeing them, knowing someone has that kind of confidence in me is very fulfilling as an artist. Also in the the studio I have been working on ornaments, it's that time of year again! This year I'm doing something different, more sculptural, yet fun and can be enjoyed all year. I am also making a few very special ornaments for Art Star's annual holiday show and promise photos very soon. Let's see, I've been reorganizing in the studio again, squeezing in more shelving and making some open space. Having a little room to breath has made a world of difference. I'm now eyeing up another spot for a new kiln - we have a large saw in my studio that I can't use because sawdust and clay do not mix. So if that saw were to be relocated, I could get a brand new kiln! Ah, to dream!
In other Little Flower news, we (the mister and I) need to clean up today to get my studio ready for a visit from a photographer. The Philadelphia Inquirer is sending someone out to take an "artist at work" picture of me this week, oo la la! I did a phone interview a few weeks ago for what is going to be a new feature in the paper, more on this as it develops!
Out and about! I did a little show yesterday with the Philadelphia Independent Craft Market. It was a nice show with nice music. I did this one on my own, no mister, which is actually a good thing. I feel guilty when I take up his weekends with shows. Although, he is a good sport and even rode his motorcycle down to help me pack up at the end (but I was already done) so we headed over to Art Star where I picked up my Camilla
Engman print and we browsed around. My friend Sue recently became an Art Star artist with her new line of
eco-friendly kid items. Her new biz is called
EcoLeeko and
everything is even more amazing in person!! Please check her out and order early, I have a feeling she is going to be swamped this holiday season.
Ok, so now it is late on sunday evening, when I started this post, the mister interrupted with an emergency flea market outing! ok so it wasn't an emergency! We went to a little flea market where I found the most awesome things!!! Bolts of fabric from a furniture store for $2 and a lovely yellow tea kettle for $1! Oh gosh, I did really well! Then we came home to walk and play with Marley before heading out to dinner at my in-laws. We got lucky and our 7 year old niece was their so we played "art class" and drew our dream homes all over the back walkway in sidewalk chalk! Oh how they'll love us tomorrow when they see our floor plans which included rooms for rocks and multiple indoor pools!
Needless to say the studio did not get spiffed up and I never unpacked my car from the show on saturday. There's always tomorrow right? And it's sure to be a busy one. Have a terrific monday! xoxo, Linda