First, thank you so much for all the comments on my last post. I thought everyone would think I am nuts to consider doing shows this holiday season. There are quite a few factors in this decision and I will definitely keep you posted. Aside from my ever growing belly is my ever growing stack of orders! All of which I am VERY grateful for. Above is just a glimpse of what is happening in the studio. I've been making all that I can for the past few weeks, it adds up to at least 10 firings! 5 bisque & 5 high firing (maybe 6) I have so many pots to glaze, fire, glaze, glaze and fire this week, I have no idea how this will ever get done. But I promise you I will not stop until it is done. I'm putting everything aside, no baby obsessing, no house cleaning, no fooling around - it's time to get this work finished and out the door. I am truly looking forward to completing all of this as my plan is to create a
manageable schedule and make a few changes to the way orders are placed. Also, I have some new work to debut. So if you are following along and waiting for your order, rest assured, all orders are made and at some stage of completion.
Have a happy week!
Sounds like you're doing a different sort of "nesting"! Being busy while pregnant is awesome - you don't have time to fret & worry about what happens when he/she arrives. How lovely you're busy being creative - creating both within and without!
thanks! i guess I'm always nesting in that way, I've been non-stop for 3 years with my biz so the baby will be a welcome break : ) but I do plan to do some true nesting to prepare, I just have to get over this hurdle first!
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