Happy Friday!
This has been quite a week and I still haven't touched any clay. There was unpacking to do, inventory to take, packing and shipping orders (thank you!!), paper work, show applications, strategizing, dog walking, tv watching, sleeping, cleaning, laundry, snow shoveling, organizing, bill paying, whining about bill paying, shopping, and many other things filled my days to the point I wondered what in the world have I been doing! Because I still have so much more organizing and cleaning to do, oh and shopping (i need a new chair).
So, now that I am actually ahead for the first time since I started on this clay venture I thought, wow! can I maybe take up something new like guitar playing or concentrate on water colors? Maybe both? I need to take some time to do something other than clay. Mostly because I just want to but perhaps it will help to inspire me. I doodle quite a bit but would like those doodles to be beautiful water colors instead of just stuffing them in a box or in my sketch book. I also think I finally have the patience to take on an instrument, I strum pretty well and can wing it a bit. Ahh, the guitar, from pretending to play John Denver songs as a kid to punk as a teen, we've had our moments. Maybe now would be a good time to have one of my own, any tips on buying an acoustic guitar? All I know is that I want steel strings and a cool strap!
Anyway, I just wanted to pop in to wish you all a nice weekend, spring ahead already! And spring is coming so quick. I will be launching a few new designs, like the one above for spring 2009. I can't decide what I want to call the flags, I am leaning towards flags. This one was actually inspired by balloons stuck to a light pole. After doodling for a bit I decided ballons just weren't me so I switched to flags, and the concept of doing a series on things birds steal. What do you think?
Have a happy weekend, maybe a trip to the beach is in order - it's going to be sooo nice this weekend.