The wall is finally insulated, and the insulation is wonderful! I am told it was easy to install, from cutting to hanging. We used a stone wool product called ComfortBatt, made by
Roxul. You can read more about it on their website. I had to special order it from Lowe's. I tried to find the denim insulation you always see on those home improvement shows but it turns out, this product is better suited for a garage/studio. We'll hang fireboard drywall, since our township has a code on what you can hang in a garage. We also had a friend/contractor come by to look at the floor and yikes! It will be a big expensive project to fix. I didn't allow for that kind of expense when I made my studio budget so I think I'm going to have to live with the slope. There is a section across the space that is level, everything else will have to be shimmed or leveled and bolted to the walls. My main concern was my wheel since I can't see shimming that. The laundry area is in the level section so now we're looking into moving that back into the basement when the septic system is fixed or to try to convert a small unfinished powder room into a laundry closet. I guess you can say I'm taking one for the team/family. We're still a couple or few months from having the new septic system installed due to design, permit approval and waiting for the ground to dry out so what's a few more burdens?! I'm trying really hard to get back to work as soon as possible, my studio is packed and ready to move. I'm cleaning up an area in our new basement to use. Nothing is easy here, the entire floor is covered in silt from a previous flood. So now I need to rent a floor scrubber to make a clean area to work. It's looking like our rough couple of months is going to be one long hard year. We put ourselves in this situation which makes it hard to complain, it is what it is! I'm now spending my days going between our new and old houses with a toddler and a dog, along with laundry and bathing items. It's sort or comical! I set up a pack and play in my old studio so the little lady can hang out with me while I organize things and clean, she's such a good sport. And in our new home, I'm trying to finish our new bathroom (not that we can use it) to get the giant vanity out of my new studio. I'm to the less intimidating part of covering the new tile floor and priming the ceiling and walls. Much to do, much to do...
It's hard now, but you will be so happy when it's done! And you're young yet, so you have many years ahead of you to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
For the wonky floor, could you build a little frame big enough to fit your wheel or kiln and get some self leveling cement. That way you might have a small platform that was level just for the super important stuff.
Good luck with the move. I hear you on living at two places at once. I've been here for 2 months and half my things are still at the old house. I have the little tv/vhs set up for when I need to amuse the 4 year old at the old house.
I hope you're right Denise, and thank you for thinking I'm young!
Karissa, my husband said the same thing for the kilns, he wants to bring in a sheet of steel and shim that. I think I can put my wheel in the level area. I would have done the false floor but it was causing too many other projects. Thanks for the tv tip,I need to set something up at our old house. I wish you well on your moves!!!!
I think your emotions in your blog are completely honest to you and your friends/readers. Thanks for sharing.
It is difficult now, but you'll be glad when it's done! And you're still young, so you have many years ahead to enjoy the fruits of their efforts.
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