I love spring! It's not so springy here today but I'm loving all the little sprouts in the yard. We're still waiting on our first flower but we do have chives already! Since we are waiting on our yard, I thought I'd do a little spring cleaning. And with all the new wares taking over the studio, I need to make some room. So if you are in or around Philly on April 12th. Come by the Liberties Walk in Northern Liberties for the Springtacular Saturday Market. I will be pulling out all the old pots, the ones I've boxes up over the years and kept stashing away. There will also be some more recent little flower seconds, especially from last year when I was trying out new clays! So look for my bright pink umbrella! And under it you will find a sea of lovingly made Linda pots seriously cheap!
Springtacular Saturday Market
on April 12th from 12-7
1030-1040 N. American Street Philadelphia, PA
for my Studio Clean Out Sale!
Springtacular Saturday Market
on April 12th from 12-7
1030-1040 N. American Street Philadelphia, PA
for my Studio Clean Out Sale!