Wednesday, February 11, 2009

real & quick

Good day to you dear interneters!
Above is a screen shot of my listing for the ACC/AltCraft show. Can you tell I'm excited? I am also in a panic right now but it will all be fine. I was so worried about not having enough made in time that now I think I made too much and might not be able to get everything etched, glazed and fired in time. I cut myself off from throwing last night, I caught myself saying just a few more cups, I can do just a few more. So today while I should be bisquing, I will be trimming and etching, and maybe glazing late into the night. Just 6 serving bowls, 7 large platters, 12 or so vases, and maybe 30 cups (some will be mugs) are covered up and waiting to be trimmed this morning. Then the marathon begins! I've been tucking pots away on every shelf and really do not know the scope of what I have done just yet. Hopefully by this afternoon I can organize everything into firing groups and plan it out. On the good side of this, I have been trying to see signs of growth in my little biz and I really do think I am growing. I have orders lined up to work on after AltCraft, show season is taking shape and my new production schedule is helping me to keep it all in perspective. Next will be to hire an assistant of some sort. I am working out the details on this - my studio and home do not lend themselves to this so it would need to be someone that I can welcome into my whole life and not just into the studio for a few hours. We are also looking for a new home with a better studio set-up for me and a huge garage or warehouse/barn for my mister. We are quite the unique couple : ) Hopefully this will be the year of good changes and growth. Into the studio now for me! Have a happy day.

1 comment:

Whitney Smith said...

Hi Linda,
It's great to see that you are working so hard and are up for your new challenges. I know you are probably too busy to come see my at the Rosen show this weekend, but if you do there will be a free badge for you! Take care and don't wait much longer to get that new assistant!